I've put the ff question up on Twit/FB... no results.. So....here goes again....

I'm fully and completely vaxxed. Why the hell should I give a damn whether or not someone else is vaxxed? Or isn't wearing a mask? I got my shots...so now what the hell is going on?

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You've raised maybe the most important set of questions at this time. The public health industry has worked itself into a place from which it cannot leave. When "15 Days to Slow the Spread" because "30 More Days to Slow the Spread" and then somehow morphed into "Zero Covid", that was the time for the adults in public health to stand up and so, "No, we can't do this!" We now know for a plain fact that Zero Covid is not going to happen anywhere on Earth except New Zealand, but if that's not the goal, then what is? Public health has no answer for that, and until they do, anyone who's trying to "follow the science" is going to continue with this fool's errand of ridding the world of a microscopic virus that replicates itself billions of times a day.

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If anyone thinks it’s just a “liberal arts college kerfuffle,” show them the Evergreen riots followed by the burning cities of 2020.

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Thanks for doing this work.

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This is going to keep on going on until people simply stop complying. It’s not like post-9/11 where the authoritarianism was occurring behind closed doors no matter what we did - this brand is contingent upon people actually doing what they tell them, not speaking up when it reaches obvious levels of absurdity, and agreeing when they say “it’s just X.” Tim Pool made a great point about this. We all were fine when it was “just 15 days to slow the spread,” “just until we get herd immunity,” “just a mask,” “just social distancing,” “just a shot,” “just a booster…” STOP COMPLYING.

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The COVID-19 mass hysteria is like a Stanford Prison Experiment done on a global scale. Some people with power are so stupid and evil that given an opportunity to lord petty power over others with impunity is just too intoxicating to give up. The students need to file a class action lawsuit. This is insane.

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One of the things about the Old Left is that they recognized the rustlings of major power, and when they. saw the GloboCap chimera moving, they made a lot of noise. This guy asked a great question:

"A year and a half after the arrival of Virus, some may have started wondering why the usually unscrupulous ruling elites decided to freeze the global profit-making machine in the face of a pathogen that targets almost exclusively the unproductive (over 80s). Why all the humanitarian zeal? Cui bono? Only those who are unfamiliar with the wondrous adventures of GloboCap can delude themselves into thinking that the system chose to shut down out of compassion. Let us be clear from the start: the big predators of oil, arms, and vaccines could not care less about humanity."

It's a great article. One of the reasons they get to dominate your life is they know that (mostly) progressives on social media will yell 'hey thatth a conthpeerathee!!"

And they win again. And you lose. To think that people won't work together to achieve their own ends is insufferably naive.


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"And so the Government will enforce these harried police state conditions only for as long as it takes to get more vaccines in distribution. (Supposedly.)"

I share your skepticism.

As much as we've seen quite a few instances where woke college students have enforced their orthodoxy on college professors and administrations, the fact remains that CT college represents authoritarian control over an essentially powerless student body - at least in the short term. As your MA college Covid admin emailed you, even without vaccination this cohort is at very low risk. As much as the college community goes on about "privilege", CT college is using it's privileged position to lord it over these kids for virtually no rational reason.

This kind of authoritarian bent is apparently intoxicating, and hard for those exercising it to give it up. Yesterday we had the Vice President tweeting:

"By vaccinating the unvaccinated, increasing our testing and masking, and protecting the vaccinated, we can end this pandemic. That’s exactly what we are committed to doing."

Say what? Why the hell do the vaccinated need to be protected from the unvaccinated? Is she saying the vaccines don't work? I take this as an illogical and irrational argument in favor of Biden's unconstitutional attempt to force private business to mandate that employees be vaccinated. I'm vaccinated, and unless you have a valid reason to not get the jab, I recommend it. But like so much else the government does "for our own benefit" it destroys our rights and makes the US less the home of freedom and liberty.

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It always has to get worse, before it gets better. Such is life.

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Go get’um tiger.

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